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Alanna's Anthology

Read ~ Watch ~ Review

The crisp sound of a page turn - there are so few sensations in life that compare to this... Except maybe, watching a great story unfold on-screen! Alanna's Anthology is a collection of my thoughts on books, movies, and tv shows.

Current read: Gideon the Ninthby Tamsyn Muir

Current watch: Under the Banner of Heaven, Hulu

Happy reading! 

Books and Branch
Blog: Text

Fantasy Novels to Read This Summer

It is officially the halfway point of Summer! What better way to spend the rest of this season than reading a good fantasy book... Enjoy!

LGBTQIA+ Reads for Pride Month

Happy Pride Month! The following is a list of LGBTQIA+ reads from a variety of genres - Sci-Fi all the way to Rom-Com... Happy reading!

Upcoming book/screen adaptations

Don't we love seeing our favorite books come to life on the screen? This post contains 6 upcoming book/screen adaptations to lookout for!

My favorite fictional Irish characters

In honor of St. Patrick’s Day last week, here's a list of my favorite Irish characters from some of my favorite tv shows... Happy watching!

4 YA novels to (re-) read as an adult

Here are some of my favorite YA novels. Hopefully, this introduces you to something new and reminds you of something old... Happy reading!

3 Wines to add to your book collection

Yes, you read that right! The following list includes 3 pairings of wines and novels I think would be a perfect sip to story ratio... Enjoy!

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